How to Set Up Google Drive Connections

This feature is only available on FileZilla Pro, if you didn’t buy it yet you can buy FileZilla Pro from our Store.

Below you find a step by step guide, if you prefer you can watch our Google Drive video tutorial.

To connect to Google Drive, make sure you have the following:

  1. A Google Drive account
  2. Your user ID (usually an email address) and password for the Google Drive account

Note: If FileZilla Pro is configured to save passwords protected by a master password, (see Protect Passwords with a Master Password ),you’ll only need to authenticate it for use with Google Drive once; it will save the access token for future connections.

Configuring FileZilla Pro for Google Drive

Please follow the next steps to configure FileZilla Pro to connect to Google Drive.

  1. In the menu bar, click on File › Site Manager…. See Using Site Manager for more details.
  2. Click on New Site.
  3. Select Google Drive from the Protocol drop down list.

  5. Optionally enter a login as a hint for Google authentication.
  6. Click on Connect.

    If you’re using Windows, a security alert might be displayed. Ensure that Private
    is ticked, and that Public networks is not ticked.

  7. FileZilla Pro will open a Google Drive authorization page in a browser window.This is a step required by Google, to ensure that you permit FileZilla Pro to access your files on the cloud. If you’re not already logged in to Google Drive, you’ll need to login before you can authorize FileZilla Pro to access your files.

  8. Click on Allow.

    FileZilla Pro will check the server’s TLS certificate and display a window like this:

  9. Check that the Common name listed on the certificate is for and click OK.

    FileZilla Pro will display your Google Drive folders in the Remote Directories section of
    the main window.

    You will see the following directories:

    • My Drive, with your personal drive content.
    • Shared with Me, with items shared with you by other users.
    • The Shared Drives directory has content only if your account belongs to a G
      Suite edition, otherwise is empty.

    You can now transfer files between your local machine and your Google Drive.

    The video tutorial below shows how to connect to Google Drive with FileZilla Pro.

    Video tutorial: How to connect to Google Drive

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