Google Documents Download

FileZilla Pro allows you to download Google Workspace documents (documents, spreadsheets, and presentations) in the format of your choice.

To choose format:

  1. Go to Edit > Settings > Google Drive export
  2. Select the format from the Format choice box.

Below you find the list of formats and respective extensions:

  • Link: a web link file: .desktop (*nix systems), .webloc (macOS), .url (Windows)
  • Microsoft Office: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx
  • OpenDocument: used by LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and other office suites. .ods, .odt,
  • Portable Document Format: .pdf.
  • Text: .txt, .csv (for spreadsheets).

To export a document in a format different from the format specified in the configuration:

  1. Select the document file or files.
  2. Right-click (Windows) or CTRL-click (macOS) and choose Export As.
  3. Choose the format.

The video tutorial below shows how to download Google documents.

Video tutorial: How to Download Google Documents with FileZilla Pro

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