How to Manage Local and Remote Paths with FileZilla Pro CLI

FileZilla Pro Command Line performs operations on files and directories. The path of files or directories is required for some of these operations. Paths can be either local or remote.

Local Path Syntax

The local path parameter refers to the path of the file or directory on the local system. The syntax for
local path accepts valid Unix or Windows paths, including UNC paths.

The path can be relative to the current local directory, or it can be an absolute path.

Remote Path Syntax

The remote path parameter refers to the path of a file or directory on the remote system. The syntax
is Unix by default. The remote path type can be configured in the Site Manager.


The following examples illustrate how local and remote paths are used:

The local path documents/letter.pdf is a relative path to the file letter.pdf under the documents directory, which is under the current directory. The remote path /Backup/letter.pdf is an absolute path of the file letter.pdf under directory Backup, which is under the root directory. It is an absolute path, as it starts with the root (/) directory:

put documents/letter.pdf /Backup/letter.pdf

In the next example, the local path is absolute, and the remote path is relative:

put C:\\Documents\\Letter.docx Archive/Letter.docx

Note that the backslash character (\) needs to be escaped with another backslash character (\\). See
Escape Sequences.

UNC paths are also accepted. The local path below is \\documentserver\share\Budget.xlsx:

put \\\\documentserver\\share\\Budget.xlsx /Project/Budget.xlsx

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