The Site Manager is where FileZilla Pro CLI saves server connection and login information, which is called a site.
Add new site
To add new site use the command:
site add <site name>
Enter the site information interactively in a number of prompts.
Once you have entered all the basic information choose whether you want to enter advanced and
protocol specific information or not.
List the sites
To list the sites and folder use the command:
site list
View site information
To view the site details:
site show <site name>
Modify a site
To modify the site information use the command:
site edit <site name>
Modify the site interactively. Press enter at the prompt if you don’t want to modify data.
Delete a site
To remove a site use the command:
site del <site name>
Rename a site
To rename a site use the command:
site ren <site name> <new name>
Duplicate a site
To create a copy of a site use the command:
site copy <site name> <new name>
The name of the new site is optional. If you don’t provide a name, a new name is created automatically
by adding a number to the original name.
Create a folder
In case of many connections, you can organize the site entries in folders. To create a folder, use the
site mkd <new folder name>
Change the current folder
To change the current folder:
site cd <folder name>
New sites are created under the current folder.
To change the current folder to the upper level:
site cd ..
To view the name of the current folder:
site cwd
Delete a folder
To delete a folder and its contents:
site rmd <folder name>
Rename a folder
To rename a folder:
site rnf <folder name> 7lt;new name>
The video tutorial below shows how to use FileZilla Pro CLI Site Manager.