FileZilla Pro CLI Settings

To list the available settings enter the set command:


To view a value of an specific settings use set command followed by the setting name:

    set engine.log.file

To modify a setting use set followed by the setting name and a value:

    set engine.log.file fzcli.log

The settings of type flag can have only two values:

    0 – disables the flag
    1 – enables the flag

Some settings accept numbers or words. For example:

    set engine.log.debug_level 2

is equivalent to

    set engine.log.debug_level info

Saving the settings

By default a setting change is only valid during the current session. To save the changes
across sessions use the set save command:

    set save

FTP mode

    engine.passive_mode, flag: enables the passive mode.

Limit ports

    engine.limit_ports, flag: enable local port restricting

Limit local ports range

    engine.limit_ports.low: lowest available port.
    engine.limit_ports.low: highest available port.

Keep-Alive commands

    engine.ftp.send_keepalive, flags: whether send keep alive commands or not

FTP Proxy

    0 – none
    1 – user@host
    2 – site
    3 – open
    4 – custom proxy host
engine.ftp.proxy.user: proxy user
engine.ftp.proxy.password: proxy password
engine.ftp.proxy.custom_login_sequence: custom proxy login sequence

SFTP Settings

Private key files:


engine.sftp.compression, flags: enables compression

Generic Proxy


    0 – none
    1 – HTTP 1.1 using CONNECT method
    2 – SOCKS 4
    3 – SOCKS 5 proxy host
engine.proxy.user: proxy user
engine.proxy.password: proxy password

Speed Limit

    engine.speedlimit, flag: enables speed limits
    engine.speedlimit.inbound: download limit (in KiB/s)
    engine.speedlimit.outbound: upload limit (in KiB/s)
    engine.speedlimit.burst_tolerance: burst

      0 or normal
      1 or high
      2 or very high

Preallocate space

    engine.preallocate_space, flag: preallocate space before downloading


    engine.view_hidden_files, flag: force show hidden files

MIME Types


    A key/value pair list of MIME type to file type mapping. The pairs are
    separated by a semi-colon.

Filesize Formats


      0 – Display size in bytes
      1 – IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 1 KiB = 1024 bytes)
      2 – Binary prefixes using SI symbols (eg 1 KB = 1024 bytes)
      3 – Decimal prefixes using SI symbols (eg 1 KB = 1000 bytes)

    engine.size_use_thousand_separator, flag: enables the use of thousands separator.
    engine.size_decimal_places: number of decimal places if you choose to have
    file size displayed in anything other than bytes.



      0 or none
      1 or warning
      2 or info
      3 or verbose
      4 or debug

    engine.log.raw_listing, flag: enables log raw directory Listing.
    engine.log.file: log file name.
    engine.log.file_sizehint: size limit of the logfile (in MiB).
    engine.log.detailed,flag: enables detailed logs.

FTP File Types

engine.ftp.transfer_type: the file type FileZilla Pro CLI uses for transferring files:

    0 or auto: automatic detection of the most appropriate transfer type
    1 or ASCII: a conversion between client and server formats may be necessary
    2 or binary: files are transferred without any conversion

engine.ftp.ascii_files: a list of file types treated as ASCII files separated by bars.

engine.ftp.ascii_no_ext, flag: whether files without extension are treated as ASCII

engine.ftp.ascii_dotfiles, flag: whether files starting with a dot are managed as
ASCII files.

Error Handling


    0 or run: runs the command if the error flag is set.
    1 or skip: skip the command if the error flag is set.
    2 or exit: exit FileZilla Pro Command Line on error.

Prompt Overrides

FileZilla Pro CLI might stop execution to show a prompt asking for confirmation or information.

Use the following options to override the prompt and provide a default response:

    cli.prompt.file_exists: for File already exists prompt. What to do if a file with
    the same name exists.

    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or skip: skip: do not transfer the file
    2 or overwrite: overwrite destination file
    3 or resume: resume transfer
    4 or newer: transfer if source is newer than destination
    5 or size: transfer if source and destination file sizes are different
    6 or size_newer: transfer if source is newer or sizes are different


    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or yes
    2 or no
    3 or always

cli.prompt.certificate: whether trust a server certificate or not.

    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or yes: trust the certificate and continue with the connection (only this time)
    2 or no: ignore the certificate and cancel the connection
    3 or always: trust the certificate now and in the future connections

cli.prompt.insecure_connection: how to proceed with an insecure connection.

    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or yes: continue with the connection (only this time)
    2 or no: cancel the connection
    3 or always: continue with the connection now and in the future connections
    to the server

cli.prompt.mfa_code: provide a multifactor authentication (MFA) code.
empty – ask to enter the code

cli.prompt.tls_resumption: whether proceed with a connection with a server that
does not support TLS resumption.

    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or yes: continue with the connection (only this time)
    2 or no: cancel the connection
    3 or always: continue with the connection now and in the future connections
    to the server

cli.prompt.oauth_store: Action to take upon the use of stored OAuth credentials.

    0 or ask: show the prompt and wait for the response
    1 or use: use stored credentials
    2 or reauth: discard the stored credentials and re-authenticate
    3 or cancel: cancel the connection

Password Storing


    plain: the passwords are stored in plain text. This is the default.
    protected: you will be asked to provide a master password to encrypt the
    passwords. See Protect Passwords with a Master Password
    disabled: no passwords are stored.

Warning: This option saves all pending changes in this and other options as well.There is no need to use set save to apply the changes.

Google Drive export

Choose the format FileZilla Pro Command Line downloads a GoogleWorkspace document (document,
spreadsheets, or presentations).


      link: a web link file.
      msoffice: as a Microsoft Office file.
      opendoc: as an OpenDocument file used by LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and
      other office suites.
      pdf: as a Portable Document file.
      txt: as a text file (for documents and presentations) or a CSV (comma separated value) file (for spreadsheets).

TLS Certificate Trust

When connecting to a secure server FileZilla Pro Command Line presents to the user the server TLS
certificate and prompts to trust or not the certificate for the current and future connections.

Alternatively, you can use the operating system trust store to validate the certificates:

    engine.system_trust_store, flag

Wildcard syntax

Toggle wildcard syntax.

    cli.wildcard, flag

See Wildcards.

Preserve timestamps

Preserve file timestamps.

    engine.preserve_timestamps, flag

See: Preserve Timestamps

The video tutorial below shows how to view and change the settings and how to get help on the commands with FileZilla Pro CLI.

Video tutorial: How to Change the Settings and to get Help on the Commands in FileZilla Pro CLI

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