How to Upload Files to Backblaze B2 with FileZilla Pro CLI

Note: This feature is not available for FileZilla CLI.

What you’ll need:

Creating an application key

  1. Log into your Backblaze B2 account.
  2. Click on Application Keys in the left pane.
  3. Scroll down and click on Add a New Application Key.
  4. Enter a name, and select any restrictions that you need. FileZilla Pro Command Line will need to read and write permissions for at least one bucket.
  5. Click on Create Application Key.
    The Backblaze B2 website will create a new application key for FiZilla Pro Command Line to use.
  6. You should see a Success! message. Save both the keyID and the applicationKey.

Connecting to B2

Use the b2 protocol and connect to the host:

    From the prompt enter the connect command:

      connect b2://<application key ID>:<application key>@api.backblazeb2.

    Optionally you can use the parameters of the connect command:

      connect --protocol b2 --user <application key ID> --pass <application key>
      --path <path>

    Note that the path is optional but if present it has to start with a slash.

    You can use either the master application key or a normal application key.

    You can now transfer files between your local machine and your Backblaze B2 account.