How to Modify File Size Display with FileZilla Pro CLI

There are three common file size definitions used in the IT world, and which one you use will
vary your understanding of file size reporting:

  • Original binary-factor definition of SI (International System of Units) units: 1024B =
    1KB; 1024KB = 1MB; 1024MB = 1GB
  • New digital-factor definition of SI (International System of Units) units: 1000B = 1KB;
    1000KB = 1MB; 1000MB = 1GB
  • New binary-factor units: 1024B = 1KiB; 1024KiB = 1MiB; 1024 MiB = 1GiB.

By default, FileZilla Pro CLI displays file sizes in bytes.

If you’d like to have file sizes displayed differently use the Filesize Formats.

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