How to Schedule a Script with FileZilla Pro CLI

Microsoft Windows

From the Microsoft Windows command prompt or from the PowerShell prompt run:

    schtasks /create /sc DAILY /st 20:00 /tn "Copy files to server" /tr "\"C:\
    Program Files\FileZilla Pro CLI\fzcli.exe\" --mode standalone --local-path
    D:\Files --script D:\Scripts\script-file

The command schedules FileZilla Pro CLI to run the script D:\Scripts\script-file daily at 8 PM, with the default local directory set to D:\Files

Debian Linux

From a terminal enter:

    $ crontab -e

And enter the following line:

    0 20 * * * /opt/FileZilla3/bin/fzcli --mode standalone --local-path /opt/
    files --script /opt/scripts/script-file

The command schedules FileZilla Pro CLI to run the script /opt/scripts/script-file daily at 8 PM, with the default local directory set to /opt/files.

Save the crontab.

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