FileZilla Pro CLI

Start FileZilla Pro CLI

From the operating system prompt enter fzcli and press Enter, The FileZilla Command Line prompt is displayed as follows:


Connect to an anonymous FTP site

Connect to a FTP server without user and password:

fzcli> connect

Connect to a FTP site with user and password
connect to a FTP server using an user and password:

fzcli> connect
fzcli> connect --user user --pass password

Connect to a S3 site
Connect to a S3 site using an access and secret key pair:

fzcli> connect s3://

Connect to a Dropbox site
Connect to Dropbox.

fzcli> connect dropbox://

Upload a file
Upload a file to the server:

fzcli> put budget.xlsx

Download a file
Download a file from the server:

fzcli> get budget.xlsx

Delete a remote file
Delete a remote file:

fzcli> del budget.xlsx

Upload a directory
Recursively upload a directory. The files are uploaded to the current remote directory:

fzcli> rput Pictures

Recursively upload a directory to a newly created remote directory:

fzcli> rput Pictures Pictures

Download a directory
Recursively download a remote directory. The files are downloaded to the current local directory:

fzcli> rget Pictures

Recursively download a remote directory to a newly created local directory:

fzcli> rget Pictures Pictures

Listing files
List the files in the current remote directory:

fzcli> ls

List all files matching the regular expression ‘.jpg’ in the current remote directory:

fzcli> ls .jpg

List the files in the current local directory:

fzcli> lls

Run a script

Run a script file with commands:

fzcli --mode standalone --script C:\Scripts\script-file

Schedule a script (Microsoft Windows)

Schedule a script to daily run at a specific time. From the Microsoft Windows command prompt or from PowerShell prompt run:

schtasks /create /sc DAILY /st 20:00 /tn "Copy files to server" /tr "\"C:\Program Files\FileZilla CLI\fzcli.exe\" --mode standalone --script D:\Scripts\script-file"

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