File Synchronization with FileZilla Pro CLI

File synchronization compares and synchronizes files and directories between your local
computer and the remote server, making sure both locations contain the same files and directories.

    sync [options] <local path> <remote path>

local path and remote path you can use either an absolute path or a relative path.


    --direction, -d: synchronization type

      localtoremote, l: one-way synchronization replicating local files not
      on the server, removing files on the server that don’t exist on the local

      remotetolocal, r: one-way synchronization replicating remote files
      on the local directory, removing files on the local directory that don’t
      exist on the server.

      bidirectional, b: two-way synchronization replicating local files
      not on the server and replicating remote files on the local directory,
      no files are deleted.

    --exists, -e: allow to specify how to handle files that exist on both sides:

      ignore, i: just ignore the files.

      newer, n: upload or download if the source is newer than the target.

      size, s: upload or download if file sizes are different. Ignored in the
      bidirectional type.

      sizeornewer, w: upload or download if source is newer or file sizes are dif-
      ferent. Ignored in the bidirectional type.

    --recursive, -r: synchronize recursively files and subdirectories.


Copy new and updated local files to server:

    sync --direction localtoremote --recursive --exists newer /Files/website/
    public_html /public_html

Backup remote files to local:

    sync --direction remotetolocal --recursive --exists newer /Documents/backup /

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