How to Create Dropbox Shared Links and Membership with FileZilla Pro

To share files and directories, you have two options: creating shared links and adding members.
Membership allows you to define access permissions to files and folders.

To share files and directories:

  1. Select the files and directories you want to share.
  2. Right-click and choose Share. This will open the share window.
  3. From the share window, you can proceed with the desired sharing method, whether it’s generating
    shared links or adding members to the sharing.

    To create a shared link:

    1. Select an entry in the list and click the Create button.
    2. The shared link window is displayed:

    3. Select the Access Type:
      • Viewer: anyone with the link can view the file or directory.
      • Editor: anyone with the link can edit the file or directory.

    4. In the Who can access choice box, select:
      • Anyone with the link.
      • Invited only: only invited members.

    Click OK and the created link will appear in the list.

    To manage shared links:

    • Click Remove to delete a shared link; or
    • Click Copy to copy the shared link to the clipboard.

    To add membership:

    1. Select one or more entries in the list.
    2. Clicks the Add button, this opens the Add Member window.
    3. Enter the email addresses of the member in the text box.
    4. You can enter a custom message and Dropbox will include it in the notification email.
    5. Use the Role option, to determine the level of access granted to the member. Dropbox personal accounts have no permission to grant Editor role.
    6. Click OK.

    In the Share window, the members list shows the type and role of the membership.

    The video tutorial below shows how to share files and directories on Dropbox using FileZilla Pro.

    Video tutorial: How to Share Files and Directories on Dropbox

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