Clear the Transfer Queue
To remove all files queued to be transferred to and from a remote server:
- Right-click on the Transfer Queue.
- Select Stop and remove all.
Pause the Transfer Queue
To pause all files being transferred without clearing the Transfer Queue:
- In the main menu, select Transfer > Process Queue.
To pause files being transferred to or from a specific server:
- Right-click on the Transfer Queue.
- Select Process Queue.
If Process Queue is ticked, files are currently being transferred. If it is not ticked, the queue
is currently paused.
Start the Transfer Queue
To start or restart transferring files in the Transfer Queue:
- In the main menu, select Transfer > Process Queue.
To restart files being transferred to or from a specific server:
- In the Transfer Queue, right-click on the server name.
- Select Process Queue.
If Process Queue is ticked, files are currently being transferred. If it is not ticked, the queue
is currently paused.