How to Change where Configuration Files are Stored

FileZilla Server

FileZilla Server’s service accepts a --config-dir parameter. You can use this parameter when starting the service.

  • On Windows, to relocate the configuration files in your folder of choice, open a cmd console with Administrator privileges and run the following command.

    SC.exe config filezilla-server binpath= "\"<Install folder>"\filezilla-server.exe\" --config-dir \"<Folder of choice>\""

    Where <Install folder> is the folder where FileZilla Server was installed into and <Folder of choice> is the absolute path to your folder of choice.

    For example, to store the files under FileZilla Server’s installation folder, and FileZilla Server is installed under C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server, the command should be:

    SC.exe config filezilla-server binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\filezilla-server.exe\" --config-dir \"C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\""

    Quotes and spaces must be entered exactly like that.

  • On Debian Linux, as root, open in an editor the file /etc/systemd/system/filezilla-server.service and edit the line following the [Service] label, like this:

    ExecStart=/opt/filezilla-server/bin/filezilla-server --config-dir <
    Your directory of choice;gtWhere <Your directory of choice;gt is the directory where you want to relocate the configuration files.

    Then restart the service, with the following command:
    sudo systemctl restart filezilla-server

  • On macOS relocating FileZilla Server configuration files is not recommended, as the installer will overwrite any change.

FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server

FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server’s service accepts a –-config-dir parameter. You can use this parameter when starting the service.

  • To relocate the configuration files in your folder of choice, open a cmd console with Administrator privileges and run the following command.
    SC.exe config filezilla-server binpath= "\"\filezilla-server.exe\" --config-dir \"\""

    Where <Install folder> is the folder where FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server was installed into and <Folder of choice> is the absolute path to your folder of choice.

    For example, to store the files under FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server’s installation folder, and FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server is installed under C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server, the command should be:

    SC.exe config filezilla-server binpath= "\"<Install folder>"\filezilla-server.exe\" --config-dir \"<Folder of choice>\""

    Quotes and spaces must be entered exactly like that.

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