Where are FileZilla Server’s/FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server’s Configuration Files?

FileZilla Server

The location where configuration files are saved depends on the operating system FileZilla Server is running on.

  • The configuration files for the server reside under %LOCALAPPDATA%\filezilla-server and the files for the Administration interface under %LOCALAPPDATA%\filezilla-server-gui where %LOCALAPPDATA% is the environment variable which expands to the local AppData directory of the user that’s running the service and Administration interface.
  • On Debian Linux, the configuration files for the server reside under /opt/filezilla-server/
    and the ones for the Administration interface under ~/.config/filezilla-server-gui, where ~ is the home directory of the user that’s running the FileZilla Server’s Administration interface.
  • On macOS the configuration files for the server reside under /Library/Preferences/org.filezilla-project.filezilla-server.service and the Administration interface’ ones under $HOME/.config/filezilla-server-gui.

On Windows, by default, FileZilla Server’s service runs as the SYSTEM user hence, if the boot drive is C:\, then the configuration files reside under %PROGRAMDATA%\filezilla-server.

FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server

The configuration files for the server reside under %LOCALAPPDATA%\filezilla-server and the files for the Administration interface under %LOCALAPPDATA%\filezilla-server-gui where %LOCALAPP-DATA% is the environment variable which expands to the local AppData directory of the user that’s running the service and Administration interface.

By default, FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server’s service runs as the SYSTEM user hence, if the boot drive is C:\, then the configuration files reside under %PROGRAMDATA%\filezilla-server.

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