How to connect to WebDAV

Please follow the next steps to configure FileZilla Pro RemoteDrive to connect to WebDAV.

  1. Open FileZilla Pro RemoteDrive: Launch the application or click on its icon if active.
  2. Add a Server: Click on +Add server.
  3. Choose Connection Type: From the top-down menu select WebDAV.
  4. Label Your Connection: In the “Name” field, enter a label for your connection.
  5. Configure Connection Details:
    • Enter the host name in the Host field.
    • If available enter the port in the Port field.
    • Select Using secure HTTPS if supported, Using insecure HTTP if not.
    • Note: using HTTP credentials are transmitted in clear-text and it is insecure.

  6. Set credentials information:
    • Enter the user name in the User field.
    • Enter the password in the Password field.

  7. Advanced configurations: If the URL given to you by your provider includes a path, like, enter the path (/webdav) in the Advanced Tab, Default Remote Directory field. Make sure the path starts with a slash.
  8. Click Add & Connect to establish the connection.

The video tutorial below shows how to set up WebDAV with RemoteDrive.

Video tutorial: Setting up WebDAV Connection with RemoteDrive

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