FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server: How to Configure SFTP

The SFTP Server configuration panel has three tabs: the Connection Security tab for uploading the host key or letting the server generate one or more for you; the Welcome message tab for configuring the welcome message, and the Behavior tab for setting some advanced configurations.

You can either provide an existing host key or ask FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server to generate one or more for
you. For setting that up go to Protocol settings › SFTP (SSH) › Connection Security tab.

If you already have a private host key in PEM format on your server, you can upload it by selecting Provide a host key from the Add new host key top-down menu. Make sure that only the account under which the server runs has access rights to such a file.

Click the Apply button, if everything is correct FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server will update the Information about the host key fields accordingly.

FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server will prompt you to input the full file path for the private key. We recommend using Ed25519 from the EdDSA family of algorithms as it offers both a good level of security as well as good performance.

Alternatively, you can have FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server generate your host key by selecting Generate new key(s) from the Add new host key top-down menu and then choosing one or more types of keys.

Click the Apply button, if everything is correct FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server will update the fields accordingly.

If you try to create host keys whose type already exists, FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server will ask you if you want to confirm or abort the operation.

Note: If you confirm, the new key will replace the existing one, and you will need to communicate the new public key to the users, as explained in the following Public host key validation.

You have the option to remove host keys that are no longer needed. If you attempt to remove the last available key, FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server will generate an error. In such cases, you need to click the Cancel button to exit the configuration. Upon relaunching the Administration interface, the host key you tried to remove will still be present.

The video tutorial below shows how to configure SFTP with FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server.

Video tutorial: FileZilla Pro Enterprise Server Installation, Registration and Setup

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