How to connect to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Service

Before starting make sure to have a Microsoft Azure account, your Storage account and Access Key.

Please follow the next steps to configure FileZilla Pro RemoteDrive to connect to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Service.

  1. Open FileZilla Pro RemoteDrive: Launch the application or click on its icon if active.
  2. Add a Server: Click on “+Add server.”
  3. Choose Connection Type: From the top-down menu select Microsoft Azure Blob.
  4. Label Your Connection: In the “Name” field, enter a label for your connection.
  5. Configure Connection Details:
    • Enter your storage account name in the Storage account field.
    • Paste the access key that you copied from Azure into the Access Key field.

  6. Accept Microsoft certificate: click the OK button to accept it.
  7. Click Add & Connect to establish the connection.

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