How to Rename Multiple Files and Directories

You can rename multiple files and directories.

  1. You can rename multiple files and directories.
  2. Press F2 or right-click (Windows) or CTRL-click (macOS) and choose Rename.
  3. Select the type of rename

    • Replace text: a text is searched in the file or directory name and replace by another
    • Add text: a text is added to the file or directory name.

  4. Search text (replace type only): the text that will be searched in the file or directory names.
  5. Search criteria (replace type only):

    • Match case: recognize the character case when searching.
    • Regular expression: Use a regular expression:

      • – .: use a period to substitute for a single character. For example, searching on
        f.ll can return fell.txt and fill.txt.

        – *: use an asterisk after a character to search for any number of that character
        in the specified place in the string. For example, searching on tex*t can
        return tet, text, texxt, texxxxxxxxt, etc.

        – ?: use a question mark after a character to search for 0 or 1 uses of that character
        in the specified place in the string. For example, searching tex?t can
        return tet or text, but not texxt.

        – ^: use a caret mark to search for all file names beginning with the character(
        s) after it. For example, searching on ^t would return all files with names
        beginning with a t.

        – $: use a dollar sign to search for all file names ending with the character(s)
        before it. For example, searching on b$ would return all files with names ending
        with a b.

        – \: use a backslash character to ‘escape’ the following character, telling
        FileZilla Pro to treat it as a normal character and not as a search expression.
        For example, if you want to search for text files, you could search on \.txt.

  6. Replace with (replace type only): text that will replace the searched text.
  7. Text to add (add text type only): text that will be added to the file or directory name.
  8. Add text mode (add text type only):

    • At the end: the text is added to the end of the file or directory name.
    • At the beginning: the text is added to the beginning of the file or directory name.

  9. Name already exists: criteria for handling when the renamed file or directory already

    • Ignore: the new name is ignored and renaming does not take place.
    • Overwrite: the existing file is replaced with the renamed one. If there is a conflict,
      an error message is shown. A conflict happens when you try to rename more
      than one file with the same name.
    • Add number to name: an incremental number is appended to the new name in
      order to distinguish it from the existing name.

  10. Preview: a list of the names and their corresponding new names. Replace type only:
    the list is empty if the search criteria don’t return any result.

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